Tuesday, July 26, 2011


bn al-Qayyim ramatullah alayh said,

Humility comes from knowing about Allah and His names and attributes, and His greatness, venerating Him, loving Him and being in awe of Him; and also from knowing about oneself and one’s faults, and weaknesses. From that may develop the attitude of humility, which means feeling helpless before Allah, and being humble and compassionate towards His slaves, so that the person does not feel superior towards anyone, or think that he has any rights over anyone else; rather he thinks that others are better than him, and that their rights come before his. This is a characteristic that Allah gives to those whom He loves, honours and draws close to Him.

Mohd. Akmal Nazir

A wake-up call for the Muslims

An anthem of their unity

A reminder to shut the worldly business

And bow down before the Maker

Azan reminds a muslim of his humble condition

And greatness of Almighty Azan leads us to humanity and brotherhood

Azan is nothing but a way to unite the muslim with Allah.

: Shaykh Faizee Shah Noori

Creations can never become Allah. Allah can never become a creation. But, no creation can subsist without Allah being with it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


nafs and dunya

“Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.”

(Surah Al-Hadid, ayah 20)

Qur’an 22:46

“It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts.”

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.

Ali ibn Abu Talib (radiAllahu anhu)

Know you that Allah has made Islam the most sublime path for attainment of His supreme pleasure and the highest standards of his worship and obedience. He has favoured it with noble precepts, exalted principles, undoubtable arguments, unchallengeable supremacy and undeniable wisdom. It is up to you to maintain the eminence and dignity granted to it by the Lord, to follow it sincerly, to do justice to its articles of faith and belief, to obey implicity its tenets and orders and to give it the proper place in your lives.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reported by an-Nawwas ibn Sam’an and recorded by Imam Muslim.

Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said:

“Righteousness is good morality, and wrongdoing is that which wavers in your soul and which you dislike people finding out about.”


Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“The world is a prison for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer.”

ibn majah

Abandon desire for this world, and God will love you. Abandon desire for others’ goods, and people will love you.

alhassan albasri

The intelligent person’s tongue is behind his heart: when he wants to speak, he first thinks. If [his words] will be in his favour, he says them, and if they will be against him, he does not speak. And the ignorant person’s heart is behind his tongue: when he merely thinks of saying something, he says it, whether it is for or against him.

Monday, July 18, 2011


“And when they hear ill speech, they turn away from it and say, “For us are our deeds, and for you are your deeds. Peace will be upon you; we seek not the ignorant.”


Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, they become destiny.

in God will

Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said:

“…Prayer is light; charity is a proof; patience is illumination; and the Qur’an is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin.”

-Reported by Abu Malik al-Harith ibn Asim al-Ash’ari and recorded by Imam Muslim. (#23)

(al-Nasaa’i, 2247;)

“Prophet Muhammad salAllaahu ‘alayhi wassallam said:
“Whoever fasts one day for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will keep his face seventy years’ distance from Hell,”


A woman’s heart should be so lost in God, that a man needs to seek Him, in order to find her

Saturday, July 16, 2011

108. Al Kawthar (Abundance)

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Ever-Merciful Indeed, We have granted you [the Fountain of] Abundance. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice. Indeed, your enemy is the one who is cut off.


Our Lord! Behold we have heard a voice calling us unto faith:
“Believe in your Lord” and we have believed.



Hadhrat Ma’roof Karkhi

To always be grateful (to Allah) even if nothing is given. (That is, even if it appears that your supplications are not answered, to be grateful for all the bounties which Allah Ta’ala has bestowed and which He continues to bestow to you. However, man takes for granted all the ni’maat he continuously receives from Allah Ta’ala without asking for these, hence does not perceive what he is acquiring every minute of his life.)

107. Al Ma’un (Basic Necessities)

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful,
the Ever-Merciful Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense? For that is the one who drives away the orphan And does not encourage the feeding of the poor. So woe to those who pray [But] who are heedless of their prayer - Those who make show [of their deeds] And withhold basic necessities.

Qur’aan 9:78

Did they not know that Allah knows their secrets and their private conversations and that Allah is the Knower of the unseen?

Abu Darda radiAllahu anho

You will not truly gain understanding (fiqh) until you are able to see various views within the Qur’an, and you will not truly gain understanding until when you rebuke people for the Sake of Allah, you also turn to your soul and rebuke it even harsher than you did the people

[Bukhari, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, #371]

Narrated Umar RA: “Whoever does not show mercy will receive no mercy. Whoever does not forgive will not be forgiven. Whoever does not pardon will not be pardoned or protected.”

O Taaliban nasheed by Qari Ziyad Patel.wmv

(Ibn Majah, 3989)

Allah loves the righteous, pious, inconspicuous people. When they are absent they are not missed. When they are present they are not called out or noticed. Their hearts are lamps of guidance. They emerge from every place of darkness.





(Abu Dawud, 4941; Tirmidhi, 1924)

The merciful people will be shown mercy by the All Merciful; be merciful to those on earth and the One in heaven will be merciful to you

(Ibn Abbas: Baihaqi)

The perfect Muslim is not a perfect Muslim, who eats till he is full and leaves his neighbors hungry



Thursday, July 14, 2011


Abstaining from sins is a Mercy from Allah

“……Were it not for the grace of Allah and His mercy you would have followed Satan,

with scant exception (4:83).”

(Abu Dawud, 4941; Tirmidhi, 1924)

The merciful people will be shown mercy by the All Merciful; be merciful to those on earth and the One in heaven will be merciful to you

(Ibn Majah, 3989)

Allah loves the righteous, pious, inconspicuous people. When they are absent they are not missed. When they are present they are not called out or noticed. Their hearts are lamps of guidance. They emerge from every place of darkness.

[Holy Quran, 25:74]

“And those who say, “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory.

Uwais al-Qarni (RA)

Sleep with the remembrance of death, and rise with the thought that you will not live long.


The world has broken my heart, but that has lead me to the path of Allah.
The world made me blind, but that opened my eyes for Allah.
The world made me deaf, but it opened my ears to hear the words of Allah.
The world made me a sinner, but that made me ask Allah for forgiveness.

[Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

“A man is a shepherd of the people of his house, and he shall be asked concerning his flock; and a woman is a shepherd of the house of her husband and over their children, and she shall be asked concerning them.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

valuable lesson

One day, a rich father took his son on a trip. He wanted to show him how poor someone can be. They spent time on the farm of a poor family.

On the way home, father asked, Did you see how poor they are? What did you learn? The son replied, “We have a pool, they have rivers. We have lanterns at night, they have stars. We buy food, they grow theirs. We have walls to protect us, they have friends. We have encyclopaedias, they have the Quran.”

Then he added: “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.”

LESSON: It’s not about money that makes us rich, it’s about simplicity & having ALLAH in our lives.


  • She has deep faith in Allah swt and willingly submits to His will and decree
  • She worships Him sincerely, obeying all His commands and heeding all His prohibitions
  • She understands what it means to be a true servant of Allah
  • She constantly strives to support His religion and to make His word supreme on earth
  • She is proud of her Muslim identity, which draws its strength from her understanding of the purpose of human existence in this life, as defined by Allah swt in the Quran:

“I have only created jinns and men, that they should worship Me Alone.” [51:56]


All women are pearls of great value, but some of us have been deceived into doubting the value of our purity. Pearls are priceless and should be protected and guarded from unworthy eyes.

The Origin of Idolatry

And said, ‘Never leave your gods and never leave Wadd or Suwa’ or Yaghuth and Ya’uq and Nasr.


Originally these were the names of good people who had lived among the people. After their deaths, statues of them were erected to keep their memories alive. After sometime, however, people began to worship these statues. Later generations did not even know why they had been erected; they only knew their parents had prayed to them. That is how idol worshipping developed. Since they had no understanding of Allah the Almighty, Who would punish them for their evil deeds, they became cruel and immoral.

Ibn Abbas explained: “Following upon the death of those righteous men, Satan inspired their people to erect statues in the places where they used to sit. They did this, but these statues were not worshiped until the coming generations deviated from the right way of life. Then they worshipped them as their idols.”

In his version, Ibn Jarir narrated: “There were righteous people who lived in the period between Adam and Nuh alayissalam and who had followers who held them as models. After their death, their friends who used to emulate them said: ‘If we make statues of them, it will be more pleasing to us in our worship and will remind us of them.’ So they built statues of them, and , after they had died and others came after them, Iblis crept into their minds saying: ‘Your forefathers used to worship them, and through that worship they got rain.’ So they worshipped them.”

Ibn Abi Hatim related this story: “Waddan was a righteous man who was loved by his people. When he died, they withdrew to his grave in the land of Babylonia and were overwhelmed by sadness. When Iblis saw their sorrow caused by his death, he disguised himself in the form of a man saying: ‘I have seen your sorrow because of this man’s death; can I make a statue like him which could be put in your meeting place to make you remember him?’ They said: ‘Yes.’

So he made the statue like him. They put it in their meeting place in order to be reminded of him. When Iblis saw their interest in remembering him, he said: ‘Can I build a statue of him in the home of each one of you so that he would be in everyone’s house and you could remember him?’

They agreed. Their children learned about and saw what they were doing. They also learned about their remembrance of him instead of Allâh. So the first to be worshipped instead of Allâh was Waddan, the idol which they named thus.”

The essence of this point is that every idol from those earlier mentioned was worshipped by a certain group of people. It was mentioned that people made picture sand as the ages passed they made these pictures into statues, so that their forms could be fully recognized; afterwards they were worshipped instead of Allah.

It was narrated that Umm Salmah and Umm Habibah told Allâh’s Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam about the church called “Maria” which they had seen in the land of Abyssinia. They described its beauty and the pictures therein. He said:

Those are the people who build places of worship on the grave of every dead man who was righteous and then make therein those pictures. Those are the worst of creation unto Allâh.”

(Saheeh al-Bukhaaree).

ya Allah


All praises are for you Allah, how I hope that you are there.
For sinful though I know I am, your displeasure I can not bear.

Never, till this moment, did I realize how much I’ve strayed. Never, till now, was I more conscious of all those times when I should have prayed.

For sins are like heavy baggage, that one carries through Life, the airport. Why didn’t I realize sooner, that Earth is but a place of sport?

Ya Allah! Forgive me. Save me from the fire of Hell. Forgive me as you did my parents, from Jan’ah though they fell.

Ya Allah! Protect me. From myself for my soul is weak.
Let me not falter ever, for Jan’ah is the abode I seek.

Ya, Allah! Please help me. For I don’t understand and thus, I fear.
What happened to all those moments when I never doubted that you were near?

My actions once were guided, by my faith which, once, was strong. Ya Allah! please guide me . What happened, what went wrong?

Each footstep that I used to take, I took with you ever near my side. The Quran was my faithful companion, Rasoolallah my beloved guide.

How I yearn for those bygone days Allah, for I know that the day comes near when we’ll each receive our just rewards, and Truth will stand sparkling clear.

Life is like a spider’s web, Allah. We get caught in its tricky snare
So thoroughly are we disillusioned, time for salat we can not spare.

I sit here and I wonder, Ya Allah! Why did I fall so low ?
What happened to my faith Allah? Where did my Iman go?

In this earthly life of ours, so often does sin seem right. Falsehood seems to be the truth, as if days are confused with night.

Man is an imperfect creature. And thus, Man shall always wrong. For the road to Jan’ah is rocky, and the journey seems awfully long.

Ya Allah ! Our creator, we are all just peices of clay. Please help us with our steps in life, and let us not lose our way.

All praises are for you Allah, I know that you are near. I know that you have read my heart, and my words I know you hear.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah.

He who keeps his heart near Allah will find peace and tranquility, whilst he who gives his heart to the people will find restlessness and apprehension.

Allah Has Named us Muslims, So Why Ascribe Ourselves to the Salaf ?

This question was very beatifully answered by Imaam al-Albaani in his discussion with someone on this subject, recorded on the cassette entitled, “I am Salafi”, and here is a presentation of the vital parts of it:

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”When it is said to you, ‘What is your madhhab’, what is your reply?”

Questioner: ”A Muslim”.

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”This is not sufficient!”.

Questioner: ”Allaah has named us Muslims” and he recited the saying of Allaah Most High, “He is the one who has called you Muslims beforehand.” (al-Hajj 22:78)

Shaykh al-Albaani:This would be a correct answer if we were in the very first times (of Islaam) before the sects had appeared and spread. But if we were to ask, now, any Muslim from any of these sects with which we differ on account of Aqeedah, his answer would not be any different to this word. All of them – the Shi’ite Rafidi, the Khaariji, the Nusayri Alawi – would say, “I am a Muslim”. Hence, this is not sufficient in these days.”

Questioner: ”In that case I say, I am a Muslim upon the Book and the Sunnah.”

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”This is not sufficient either”.

Questioner: ”Why?”

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”Do you find any of those whom we have just mentioned by way of example saying, ‘I am a Muslim who is not upon the Book and the Sunnah’?” Who is the one who says, ‘I am not upon the Book and the Sunnah’?”

At this point the Shaykh then began to explain in detail the importance of being upon the Book and the Sunnah in light of the understanding of the Salaf us-Saalih…

Questioner: ”In that case I am a Muslim upon the Book and the Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us-Saalih”.

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”When a person asks you about your madhhab, is this what you will say to him?”

Questioner: ”Yes”.

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”What is your view that we shorten this phrase in the language, since the best words are those that are few but indicated the desired intent, so we say, ‘Salafee’?”

Questioner: ”Alright, I will submit to you and I say to you: Yes (I agree about summarising with saying ‘I am Salafee’), yet my belief is what has preceded, since the first thing that a person thinks of when he hears that you are a Salafee is that he recalls much of the experience he has had and which has involved severity which leads to harshness, all of which sometimes occurs from the Salafiee’s.”

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”Lets accept that your words are correct. If you said ‘I am a Muslim’, will not a person’s think of a Shi’ite Rafidee, or a Druze or an Ismaa’eeli (and incline to him).”

Questioner: ”It is possible, however, I will have followed the noble verse, “He has named you Muslims”.

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”No my brother! You have not followed the verse, since the verse means the correct form of Islaam. It is necessary that you address the people according to their level of understanding… so will anyone understand from you (when you say ‘I am a Muslim’) that you are indeed a Muslim with the desired meaning in the verse (of correct Islaam)? As for the various cautionary matters you have mentioned, then these are sometimes correct and sometimes they are not correct.

Since your saying about harshness, then this can sometimes occur from individuals, yet this is not representative of a methodology that is tied to knowledge and belief.

Leave aside individuals for now, we are actually talking about Manhaj (methodology). This is because when we say Shi’ite, or a Druze, or a Khaarijee, or a Soofee, or a Mutazilee, the various cautionary matters you raised come into play (and can apply to them aswell).

Hence, this is not the subject of our discussion. We are investigating a name which gives evidence to the madhhab of an individual and by which he worships Allaah… Are not all the Companions Muslims?”

Questioner: ”Naturally.”

Shaykh al-Albaani: ”However, there was amongst them, one who stole, or fornicated, but this does not allow any of them to say, ‘I am not a Muslim’, rather he is a Muslim and a Believer in Allaah, as a chosen way, however he sometimes opposes his chosen way, because he is not infallible. And it is for this reason that we – may Allaah bless you – are speaking about a word which indicates our Aqeedah and our thought and our starting point in our lives and which relates to the affairs of our religion by which we worship Allaah.

As for the issue of so and so who is harsh and so and so who is lax and too soft, then that is an entirely different issue…. I wish that you would reflect upon this concise word (i.e. Salafee) so that you do not persist upon the word ‘Muslim’. And you know that there is no one who will understand what you really intend (by using the word ‘Muslim’ alone) ever…” End Quote (Cassette “I am a Salafee”).

Hence, the point is that naming with “Muslim” or “Sunni” is not enough, since everyone will claim that. And Imaam al-Albaani emphasised the importance of the truth being distinguished from the falsehood – from the point of view of the basis of Manhaj and Aqidah, and that is taking from the Salaf us-Saalih, as opposed to the various sects and groups whose understandings are based upon those of their mentors and leaders and not that of the Salaf, fundamentally.

And insha’Allaah, this explains our intent and the important differentiation that we had alluded to earlier in replying to this doubt.

Hasan al-Basri (d.110 A.H)

‘Statements cannot be correct except with actions; Statements and actions cannot be correct except with an intention; and statements, actions and an intention cannot be correct except according to the Sunnah.'

‘Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahl-us-Sunnah’ al –Laalkaee 2/57


Ibn Taymiyyah

"Seek (beneficial) knowledge, because seeking it for the sake of Allaah is a worship. And knowing it makes you more God-fearing; and searching for it is jihad, teaching it to those who do not know is charity, reviewing and learning it more is like tasbeeh. Through knowledge Allaah will be known and worshipped.”

To ‘Evolution’,

“In the indifferent eyes of nature only the fit survive. On the other hand, God favors whoever He sees fit.”

-Rabia al-Basri

You are the Just who knows no change,

The Balance that can never swerve,

The Eternal which never passes away.

And now, I am alone with You.

(Sura 20 Taha, ayat 53).

(Since he is the One) Who has laid out the earth as a carpet for you and has traced highways on it for you, and sent down water from the sky. We have brought forth every sort of plant with it, of various types.”

(Bukhari and Muslim)

When the Prophet saw learned of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr r.a’s overzealousness in worship, he said,
“Have I not heard that you fast all day and stay up all night in prayer?”
‘Abdullah said, “That is true, O Messenger of Allah.”
The Prophet (S.A.W.) told him: “Do not do that. Fast and break your fast, sleep and get up. For your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right over you, your wife has a right over you, and your visitors have a right over you.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The 99 Names Of Allah(SWT):

Day 10, Al-Mutakabbir The Greatest

Truly the greatest, beyond any evil or defect, with grace and greatness so unimaginable to us, that we can only imagine! Inshallah, may Allah make us among those who get to see His face!!! Ameen.

[Yahya bin Mu’adh]

Neither poverty nor wealth will carry any weight on the Day of Reckoning. Only patience and thankfulness will be weighed.

Who are successful in this Dunya?

1. Successful indeed are the believers.

2. Those who offer their Salât (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness.

3. And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all that Allâh has forbidden).

4. And those who pay the Zakât.

5. And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts)

6. Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame;

7. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors;

8. Those who are faithfully true to their Amanât (all the duties which Allâh has ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and trusts etc.) and to their covenants;

9. And those who strictly guard their (five compulsory congregational) Salawât(prayers) (at their fixed stated hours).

10. These are indeed the inheritors.

11. Who shall inherit the Firdaus (Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever.

Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun (The Believers)